If you would like your student to participate in the online course with New
Beginnings, please let us know. New Beginnings Support. It is 100%
free. The start date is September 01, 2005. Grades 7-11 NewBeginningsSupport@sc.rr.com
Start Something curriculum combines three national education priorities:
character development, service learning and career exploration.
Students who complete the program may apply for Scholarships of up to $5,000
to help them continue to develop their talents and pursue a dream or goal.
Scholarships are not available outside the U.S., or to employees of Target
Corporation or their immediate families. For complete details about these
exclusions see http://startsomething.target.com/teacher/info/scholarship.asp
Through participation in the Start Something program, learners will
demonstrate their ability to:
• Articulate a specific personal goal or dream
• Identify personal values and characteristics that will be needed to achieve
the goal
• Identify personal heroes in their lives
• Learn about the achievements of a hero in their own community
• Design and carry out a 4-6 hour project that will help them take a step
toward their goal which also helps serve others
• Design an individual portfolio of the work of their interest or dream
• Explore careers that relate to their goal or dream
• Identify important people in their lives and tell their stories
• Learn about environmental issues concerning the world today and relate them
to personal achievement
• Make a public presentation about their project and participation in Start
Student Log in: http://startsomething.target.com/global/sign_in/home.asp