Free Educational Online Video DocumentariesLoose Change Loose Change by Dylan Avery This amazing new 9/11 documentary analyses the physical evidence of the attacks and asks whether a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon, if controlled demolition brought down the trade towers, and if there were any hijackers at all. http://www.aionblog.com/?postid=27 Bush flipping the Bird? Hmmmm... How "CHRISTIAN" is that?
disturbing images of dead bodies in the aftermath of combat and graphic images of a man being shot dead. ( No Download needed) "I Was Tortured" By Sister Dianna Ortiz, OSU Sister Ortiz relates her personal experiences and tell us that U.S. personnel were present in interrogation and torture rooms,” in Guatemala in 1989 when she was kidnapped, taken to a secret prison and repeatedly raped and tortured by troops commanded by General Hector Gramajo (a CIA asset and graduate of the U.S. Army School of the Americas). ( No Download needed) Take No Prisoners Another proud moment in U.S. Military History. U.S. Marines execute an Iraqi to the cheers of fellow marines -:WARNING:- This video should only be viewed by a mature audience ( No Download needed) Another eye-opener for people open to the truth. This video was made by the "Media Education Foundation" and is in full support and confirmation of our Article "Right From The Horse's Mouth" written back in December! This video was found on Information Clearing House's Web Site. See for yourself the Brazen domination bend of the current leadership of America. (1 hour) ( No Download needed) An Aerial Assault in Iraq. This video is astounding! To watch American military personnel sit up in a plane and use bombs to kill men on the ground running down streets is just sickening! Will you be able to deem this a holy mission after watching this? (10 minutes) (Just click on the play button! No Download required!) The John Perkins Story. John Perkins was recruited by the American government to participate in the quiet, behind the scenes, economical take over of a majority of the countries in the world. As an "Economic Hit Man" John lured poor countries into taking massive loans from the world bank to rebuild its countries, there by placing them in slavery to the American lackeys running that institution, there by securing for themselves a place of absolute hegemony in those lands! Hear John's testimony of his involvement, and what he and his cohorts did. (1 hour interview) (No Download required!) A documentary on the War in Iraq. Yet again another witness to the stirring lies and deceit that is now being supported and hailed by the Christian body and leadership, as a Godly mission! (1 Hour) (No Download required!) 911 Road to Tyranny http://home.sc.rr.com/nbhsa/pr01.html Masters of Terror Documentary http://home.sc.rr.com/nbhsa/alex.htm |