
Site listing Fallen Heroes from South Carolina in this Iraq and Afghanistan conflict, which is not a DECLARED WAR by Congress!

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Bush and Cheney Indicted?
Journalist Greg Szymanski called
called the prosecuter's office and
their response was "no comment."
If this was all totally made up
they would certainly distance
themselves from it and not
leave it open.
Click here for more information!

South Carolina Federal Prison
Abu Ghraib Right Here
In South Carolina
Federal Prison, Says
Abused Inmate
Click here for more information!

The Real Ayman al-Zawahiri
Strangely enough, according
to January 2000 U.S.
Congressional testimony,
al-Zawahiri was granted U.S.
residence by the Immigration
and Naturalization Service
Something almost impossible
for many legitimate immigrants
to obtain.
Click here for more information!

US TROOPS under NATO command.
ISAF spokesman Riccardo
Cristoni said most
American troops who stay
in Afghanistan after NATO
takes responsibility for
security nationwide would
come under NATO command.
Click here for more information!

Please Remember South
Carolina's Fallen Heroes
of this CONFLICT!
We support our troops..
We don't support this
home now!
Click here for more information!

Guardsman in Iraq
Punished Over Blog Post
While deployed in Iraq,
Leonard Clark has
been speaking out
against the war and
recently announced his
intentions to run for office.
Click here to read more!

'Exercises'Took Place
at Same Time as Real
7/7/05 London Underground
Bombing Attack!
Culpability cover scenario
echoes 9/11 wargames!
Click here to read more!

Supreme Court justice
faces boot from home?
Developer wants
'Lost Liberty Hotel'
built upon property
of Supreme Court
Justice David Souter.
Click here to read all about it!

FBI trawls libraries for
terrorist readers
US law enforcement
agencies have made
more than 200
requests for
information about borrowers
from libraries since
September 11.
Click here to read the facts!

Alex Jones predicted
9/11 attack BEFORE
it happened.
Click here to read the facts!

ACM may have
moved back to
Grand Rapids, but
"South Carolinians for
Responsible Government,"
a front group for
the Illinois-based
"Legislative Education
Action Drive,"
Click here to read more!

What SCRG isn't telling you!
Get the facts
Click here to read more!

Milwaukee, Wisconsin School Choice Program
In the Milwaukee program,
there has been no evaluation
required for the last
seven years, so
data is sketchy.
However, many cases
of fraud by the
receiving schools have
been documented
Click here to read more!

Selective Colleges Known to Have Admitted Home School Graduates

Adelphi U.

Agnes Scott C. 

Albion C.  

Allegheny C. 

Alma C. 

Alverno C. 

American U. 

Amherst C. 

Antioch C.

Arizona State U.

Asbury C. 

Assumption C. 

Auburn U.

Augustana C.  

Baylor U. 

Beloit C.  

Bennington C. 

Berea C. 

Berklee C. of Music 

Berry C. 

Bethel C.

Biola U.  

Boston C.

Boston U. 

Bowdoin C.

Bradley U.

Brandeis U. 

Brigham Young U. 

Brown U.  

Bucknell U.

Buena Vista U. 

Butler U. 

California Institute of Technology 

California Polytechnic State U., San Luis Obispo

California State U.--Los Angeles 

Calvin C. 

Capital U. 

Carleton C. 

Carnegie Mellon U. 

Carroll C. 

Case Western Reserve U. 

Catholic U. of America 

Cedarville C. 

Central C. 

Christian Brothers U. 

Claremont McKenna C.  

Clemson U. 

Coe C. 

Colby C. 

C. of St. Scholastica  

C. of William and Mary 

C. of Wooster 

Colorado C. 

Colorado School of Mines 

Colorado State U. 

Concordia C. 

Cornell C. 

Cornell U.  

Creighton U. 

Dartmouth C.  

Davidson C. 

Delaware Valley C. 

Denison U. 

DePaul U. 

DePauw U. 

Dickinson C. 

Drake U. 

Drew U. 

Drexel U. 

Drury C. 

Duke U. 

Duquesne U. 

Earlham C. 

Eckerd C. 

Edinboro U. of Pennsylvania 

Elizabethtown C. 

Emory U. 

Fashion Institute of Technology 

Florida Institute of Technology 

Franciscan U. of Steubenville 

Franklin and Marshall C. 

George Fox U.  

George Mason U.

George Washington U. 

Georgetown U.  

Georgia Institute of Technology

Gettysburg C. 

Goddard C.   

Goshen C. 

Goucher C. 

Grinnell C. 

Grove City C. 

Guilford C. 

Gustavus Adolphus C.  

Hampshire C. 

Hanover C.  

Harding U. 

Harvard U.  

Harvey Mudd C.  

Hastings C. 

Haverford C. 

Hillsdale C. 

Hiram C. 

Hobart and William Smith Colleges 

Hood C. 

Hope C.  

Houghton C.  

Humboldt State U.  

Illinois Institute of Technology  

Illinois Wesleyan U. 

Indiana U.

Iowa State U. 

Ithaca C.  

James Madison U.  

John Brown U.  

Johns Hopkins U. 

Juniata C.

Kalamazoo C. 

Kansas State U.   

Kettering U. 

King C.  

Knox C.  

Lafayette C.  

Lake Forest C.    

LeTourneau U.  

Lewis & Clark C.

Linfield C.  

Louisiana State U. and Agricultural and Mechanical C.  

Loyola C. 

Loyola U. Chicago 

Luther C. 

Macalester C. 

Marietta C. 

Marlboro C. 

Marquette U. 

Maryland Institute C. of Art

Maryville C.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

Messiah C. 

Miami U.

Michigan Technological U. 

Middlebury C. 

Mills C. 

Montana State U.--Billings

Montana State U.--Bozeman 

Montana Tech of the U. of Montana 

Mount Holyoke C. 

Muhlenberg C.

Muskingum C.

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech)

New York U. * * * * *

North Carolina State U. 

North Central C. 

Northeastern U.

Northwestern C. 

Northwestern U. 

Oberlin C. 

Occidental C. 

Oglethorpe U.

Ohio Northern U. 

Ohio State U.: Columbus Campus

Ohio U. 

Ohio Wesleyan U. 

Oklahoma City U. 

Oklahoma State U.

Oregon State U.

Ouachita Baptist U.

Pacific Lutheran U.

Patrick Henry College - founded by the Home School Legal Defense Association

Pennsylvania State U. University Park Campus 

Philadelphia C. of Pharmacy and Science 

Pitzer C.  

Polytechnic U.  

Princeton U.

Providence C.

Purdue U. 

Quincy University

Radford U.

Reed C. 

Regis U.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 

Rhode Island School of Design 

Rhodes C. 

Rice U.  

Ripon C. 

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Rutgers, State U. of New Jersey 

St. Andrews Presbyterian C. 

St. Bonaventure U.

St. John's C. 

St. Joseph's C.

St. Joseph's U. 

Saint Mary's C. 

St. Mary's C. of California

St. Mary's C. of Maryland 

St. Olaf C. 

St. Vincent C. 

Samford U. 

Sarah Lawrence C. 

Seattle U. 

Seton Hall U. 

Simmons C. 

Simon's Rock C. of Bard 

Smith C. 

Southern Methodist U.  

Spring Arbor C. 

Stanford U. 

State U. of New York at Binghamton

State U. of New York C. at Geneseo 

Stephens C.  

Stetson U.

Swarthmore C. 

Sweet Briar C.

Syracuse U.  

Taylor U.

Temple U.

Texas A & M U.

Thomas Aquinas C.

Texas Christian U.

Trident Tech

Trinity U. 

Truman State U.  

United States Coast Guard Academy

United States Military Academy 

United States Naval Academy  

U. of Alabama

U. of Alabama in Huntsville

U. of Arizona 

U. of California: Berkeley 

U. of California: Davis

U. of California: Riverside 

U. of California: San Diego 

U. of California: Santa Cruz

U. of Chicago 

U. of Cincinnati

U. of Colorado at Boulder 

U. of Connecticut 

U. of Dallas

U. of Dayton 

 U. of Delaware 

U. of Denver

U. of Evansville

U. of Florida 

U. of Georgia 

U. of Houston 

U. of Idaho 

U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

U. of Iowa  

U. of Kansas 

U. of Kentucky 

U. of Maine, Farmington

U. of Maine, Orono 

U. of Maryland, College Park 

U. of Massachusetts Amherst 

U. of Miami   

U. of Minnesota, Morris 

U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities 

U. of Missouri-Columbia 

U. of Missouri-Kansas City 

U. of Missouri-Rolla 

U. of Montana 

U. of Nebraska-Lincoln

U. of New Hampshire 

U. of North Carolina at Asheville

U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

U. of North Dakota

U. of Notre Dame  

U. of Oregon 

U. of Pennsylvania 

U. of Pittsburgh 

U. of Portland 

U. of Puget Sound  

U. of Rhode Island 

U. of Richmond

U. of Rochester 

U. of St. Thomas 

U. of San Francisco

U. of South Carolina 

U. of Southern California

U. of Tennessee 

U. of Texas at Austin 

U. of the South 

U. of Utah 

U. of Vermont 

U. of Virginia 

U. of Washington 

U. of Wisconsin--Madison

U. of Wyoming 

Ursinus C.

Valparaiso U.

Vanderbilt U. 

Vassar C.

Villanova U.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U. 

Wabash C. 

Warren Wilson C. 

Wartburg C. 

Washington and Lee U.

Washington C. 

Washington U. 

Wellesley C.  

Wesleyan U. 

West Virginia Wesleyan C. 

Rider U. 

Westminster C. 

Wheaton C. 

Wheaton C. 

Whitman C. 

Whittier C. 

Willamette U.

William Jewell C. 

Williams C. 

Wingate U.


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Last Modified : 08/09/05 10:29 PM

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