New Beginnings Home School Association
End of the Year Statement of Compliance Form
form is due for all schools no later than July 31st of each year.
Schools Requiring
longer to complete Fill in Part B of Form
NAME: ___________________________________________________________
Member #: ______________________ School
Phone #: (____) _____________
Address: ____________________________
of educational records for the home school named above have been
maintained by the home school to appropriately comply with the
requirements of §59-65-47 and the standards of New Beginnings Home
School Association.
signing this compliance form it is a statement that I/We the
Parent/Legal Guardian have:
____ (Initial) I/We (who is/are the legal guardian's), was/were the only teacher (s) of Reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies, & composition and literature for student (s) grade 7 through 12; ____
(Initial) Maintained a plan book, diary, or other record
indicating subjects taught and activities in which the student and
parent-teacher engaged;
(Initial) Maintained a portfolio or samples of the student's
academic work;
(Initial) Maintained a semiannual progress report including
attendance records and individualized documentation of the student's
academic progress in each of the basic instructional areas specified.
(Reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies, &
composition and literature for student (s) grade 7 through 12);
(Initial) Implemented an instructional year of at least one
hundred and eighty days;
(Initial) Maintained “Bona fide membership and continuing
compliance with the academic standards” of New Beginnings Home School
Association, including submitting required documentation for our school
and students on the required forms and by the specified dates.
B of Form
your educational program has/will not been completed by July 31,
complete this section:
understand that our legal status concludes on July 31st, and that we
must reenroll with an Home school Association now to maintain legal
status for the completion of our educational program for the enrolled
school year. Our program will be continuing beyond the July 31st
date for the following reason:
Our school uses a year round schedule, and we have had 180 scheduled
days completed: ____(Initial).
Our school does not use a year round schedule, but we have needed to
adjust our School End Date. Our program will be concluded on:
____ (Initial).
will file a final Statement of Compliance form within 15 days of this
reason our program did not conclude as planned was:
Note: Nothing we say or post is intended to be legal advice and is distributed for the informational purposes only. It is not intended to be, and does not constitute the giving of legal advice. For more information about the laws and regulations in this state please contact your own attorney. Copyright © 2000 - 2005 New Beginnings Home School Association - New Beginnings HSA and NBHSA of SC are trademarks of [New Beginnings Home School Association®]. All rights reserved. All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. Please Read our "Expectation of Privacy" Policy. |